Mord ist mein Geschäft, Liebling

Žánr: Feature film / Trailer
Rok: 2007-2009
Minutáž: 01:05 min
Popis: Toni Ricardelli is a stone-cold hitman – a true master in his field. But despite his success in his job, Toni is missing a woman that loves him. But on a job, he finally seems to have found the right one. On behalf of a mafia clan, Toni has just killed the mafioso Enrico to prevent him from publishing his memoirs when he runs into the clumsy publishing company employee Julia. For Toni, it is love on first sight. To get to know her, the hitman has only one chance: He has to pretend to be Enrico and to offer her Enrico′s memoirs for publication. Thus, he not only makes Julia′s fiancé Bob jealous but also becomes the target of his mafia clients.
Poskytovatel: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Práva: In Copyright / Warner Bros. Pictures Germany GmbH (Hamburg)
Director: Sebastian Niemann
Typ dokumentu:
Language: de